Solas stiall air a stiùireadh le 4PCSX30CM 5050
Dath RGB
3V 0.2W / LED
RGB STRIP LIGHT + rianadair MINI + inneal-cumhachd + REMOTE + Connectors
0.5-3M 5050 Solas stiall air a stiùireadh
Dath singilte + Adaptor
pasgan slàn 5M 2835 Solas stiall air a stiùireadh
Adaptor RGB Colour + POWER + 24 PRÌOMH Iomallach
Solas stiall air a stiùireadh le 5M 5050
Aon dath + inneal-atharrachaidh cumhachd
RGB + rianadair + iomallach + adapter
Singilte dath + adapter
RGB + rianadair + adapter
Wire to Strip, Sreath Strip to Strip
Uèir gu Uèir
Uèir gu Oisean Strip, Sreath Oisean Strip to Strip Corner
Uèir gu Strip, Strip to Strip, Sreath Oisean Strip to Strip